Legal Advice



Reservations made through this website (hereinafter, “the “Website”) will be governed by the provisions of these General Booking Conditions (hereinafter, “the GTCC”)).

The data of the establishment are those that appear in the Legal Notice published on this website

The Client shall be understood as the natural or legal person who completes the booking process, either for himself, or for other Client, their employees, etc., as well as, for the purposes of these GTCC, the natural persons staying at the Establishment as a result of the Reservation (hereinafter, “the Client“).

The Client, by completing the Booking process, expressly accepts these GTCC.

Additionally, the Client, by making the Reservation, acknowledges having read and accepts the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and other published documents regarding the contracting of the reservation or the protection of their personal data. All this, without prejudice to the fact that, to complete the Reservation, you will be asked to expressly accept the aforementioned notices and conditions.

These GTCC shall be governed by the provisions of the following


Applicable regulations

The provisions of Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Contracting Conditions, with the modifications of Law 3/2014, of March 27, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Clients and other complementary laws, will apply to the CCGGR, Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, and other applicable regulations of the tourism sector. In the alternative, the provisions of the Civil Code and the Commercial Code shall apply.

Booking Process and Conditions

  • For the Reservation to be valid, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
  1. Express acceptance by the Client of having read and understood the CCGGR, Legal Notice and other documents and policies of the website.
  2. Recognition by the Client of:
  3. Be of legal age and be in full use of their faculties, having sufficient capacity to formalize the Reservation.
  4. That the data provided by its own are reliable and accurate, as well as that it expressly authorizes its treatment in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Establishment.
  5. That, in case of providing data from third parties, it has the precise authorizations of the same, sufficient to provide them to the forms of the Web and so that the Responsible for the treatment of the data, can use them for the requested service.
  • Online reservations: The process of formalizing online reservations will be formalized as follows:

o        Availability: Search for dates and select the type of room and number of people.
Collection of personal data, acceptance of the general conditions and request for card data and payment charged to card via POS gateway.

o        Where appropriate, information on the particular conditions applicable to the type of room or service you want to hire.

o        Confirmation of the reservation and payment.

o        Once his reservation has been made, the Client will receive by email, to the contact address provided, a “Reservation Confirmation with the locator number” together with the CCGGR that will have already been provided in the reservation process.

o Unless otherwise provided in the conditions of the rate, the reservation will not be considered firm until the payment of the price or deposit stipulated has been made.

  • Reservations on request(reservations on request) and for Groups: For services that can only be booked on request, unless otherwise provided in the conditions of the rate, the mere request for availability will not imply the hiring of the Reservation, being subject to compliance with the requirements indicated on the page from which your request is made, as well as its effective confirmation by the Establishment. GROUP reservations (such will be understood as those consisting of reservations of ten (10) or more roomswill always be made on request, as the conditions must be analyzed in each case, and rooms cannot be reserved individually in the case of recognized groups of people attending the same event. In case it is detected that people from a recognized group have made individual reservations, the Hotel reserves the right to cancel them. The conditions of minimum stay, consumption or any other circumstance applicable to the Groups, will be communicated at the time of answering the reservation request. The applicant for the Group’s reservation will be responsible for guaranteeing the payment of the Group, under the conditions that apply in each case.
  • Errorsin the process: Any errors in the introduction of data during the Reservation process can be corrected using the “back” button of the browser. Likewise, in the Booking Confirmation the data of the same will be summarized. In case of detecting possible errors, the Client must immediately request the appropriate corrections by sending an email to the address that appears in “Contact” of the Web.

Contents of the Reservation:

The services of each Reservation will be solely and exclusively those provided for in the same in the process of formalizing this.

Thus, the Client will be informed throughout the process of the services included in the Reservation or of those selected by the Client, where appropriate.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the prices indicated on the Website are Retail Prices, VAT included.

Price and payment:

The conditions, the price of the projected stay and, or the services requested, as well as the accepted payment methods, are those that are expressly determined in the conditions of the rate included in the page on which the Client requests or makes the Reservation.

The transaction will be made in EUROS, whatever the territory of origin of the Client or from which the reservation is made.

However, payment in local currency of the Client through a credit card will be allowed, applying the change of the day of payment automatically applied by the card operator.

The Client expressly authorizes the Establishment to make the charges provided for in the conditions of the rate, as well as to face possible penalties for late cancellation, no show, damage caused to the facilities of the establishment, undeclared consumption, etc., accepting that the data of the means of payment that has been provided are used to carry out the corresponding charges.

Promotions and offers will only be valid for as long as they remain accessible to the recipients of the service.

Modification or cancellation of reservations:

For each type of rate there may be special conditions of modification or cancellation of the Reservation made. In this way, the modification or cancellation of confirmed reservations will be subject to the particular conditions provided for in the conditions of the rate and informed to the Client during the Reservation process.

Any modification or cancellation must be requested from the Establishment to the email address available on the Website or in the Booking Confirmation or through the “Manage my reservation” section of the website indicating the email provided at the time of booking and the locator of the same.

In the event that the Client wishes to modify the Reservation and the modality of the same allows it, it must be subject to the conditions of availability, price, additional services, etc. that the Establishment had at that time.

Right of withdrawal:

For the purposes of the provisions of article 103 l) of Royal Decree Law RDL 1/2007, the Client has no right of withdrawal.


In general, the CCGGR and the formalization of the Reservation will be written in Spanish, although they may also be translated into other languages (either national or foreign).

In case of discrepancy, the Spanish version will always prevail over translations made into other languages.

Use of the website

The Client undertakes to use the Website in accordance with current legislation, with the provisions of the Legal Notice of the Website, as well as with morality, good faith and public order, as well as to refrain from using the Website for illicit purposes, contrary to the provisions of the Legal Notice, or in a manner harmful to the rights and interests of the Owner of the Website or third parties.

The Client must use the Website and its contents under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

The Client will be liable for damages of any kind that the Establishment may suffer as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the breach by the Client of the Legal Notice, reserving the Establishment the right to suspend, interrupt, deny or withdraw access and / or use of its Website, at any time and without prior notice, to any Client who fails to comply with the Legal Notice.

The Establishment will be exempt from liability to the extent provided in the Legal Notice of the Web.

Nullity of the clauses: If one or more of the clauses included in these general conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, it will affect only that provision or that part that has been so declared, subsisting the general conditions in everything else, having such provision or the part of it affected, for not put.

Communication channel

In the “Contact” or “Contact” section, both a telephone number and an email address are available to the client so that they can contact the establishment.

Theft, robbery and damages

The establishment will not be responsible for theft and/or robbery or similar when negligence of any kind has been involved on the part of the Client. In other cases, it will be liable up to the limit covered by the insurance subscribed and provided that it covers the event. Damage caused by the establishment or its employees shall be covered up to the limit prescribed by the damage insurance taken out by the establishment. In the event that the Client wishes to include goods of special or specific value in the establishment, they must notify them in advance, and must comply with the precautions that the establishment will dictate. The establishment may refuse to keep objects whose value is high. Therefore, it is recommended that, if you want to have goods of special value in the establishment, you deal with it in advance with the management of the establishment.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction: these GTCC shall be governed by Spanish law to the exclusion of its conflict of law rules. The parties, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit for the resolution of their differences in relation to the CCGGR, to the jurisdiction and competence of the competent Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the Establishment.

Consequences of acceptance of GCGRS, validity and modifications

Given that these CCGGR may be modified at any time, the request and processing of reservations on the Website by the Client imply full and unconditional acceptance of the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of this, together with these CCGGR, in its latest version, without prejudice to the particular conditions of the reservations that are available and applicable during the Reservation process. Therefore, it is advisable that the Client proceed to read these conditions before requesting or formalizing his reservation and each time he accesses the Web, since the Establishment reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete at any time part of these GTCC. Amendments to the GTCC shall never affect bookings made prior to such amendment.